My Trilogy: Part One

1 min readMar 2, 2022

In a time before now, in a land disintegrated into rumor, I knew love. She was my teacher, my mother, my child. There was no part of me she did not touch. No part of my deepest self, where heart and mind entwine, that she could not soothe. No part of my darkest embodiment she could not see and reform. I loved her in ways I can’t understand because I loved her in ways that I’ve never been loved. With her, there was no obligation to reciprocate. There was no need for reassurance that she would always be my heart. No need to tell her I loved her when she left. I will always be here waiting, wondering. No child should know the richness of bittersweet, ending in a smile she never knew I saw. All of her beauty and vibrance wrapped around a sadness that will never leave her. Once she asked me, Do you know why the world is fair? I did not and said so. She said, Because the world is unfair to everyone. That is probably the one statement that could, and should, bring a world together under its protective truth. At least, I choose to believe in its truth, and I choose to believe that the world and I can find our way out of our deepest existence and into the light of a world led by the words of a child. The words of my daughter.




Think of your favorite Lifetime movie. If you don’t have one shame on you. Go watch a Lifetime movie and use that as your favorite. That’s my bio.